Actualizing Dreams, Activating Success. Igniting & Marketing Sports Talent… that’s what MOFeye is about!
Dear Singapore, Asia & Global Football & Sports Community,
Are you a professional footballer or coach or sports industry career individual who wants to be recognised and spotted by professional clubs & countries?
STEP ONE: Email us at info@mof.com.sg with the following information and we will respond to you:
Please provide:
An MOF representative will liase with you and brief you on the best way forward to assist you.
Decide on the following packages we offer to enable us to market you* –
(1) Monthly Marketing** subscription (in blocks of 3 months) at $130 USD /mth.
(2) One-time Marketing subscription at $170 USD /mth.
(3) One-time Presentation Package*** (pictures/basic videos/writeup in English) at $170 USD.
(4) Monthly Broadcast**** subscription (in blocks of 3 months) at $60 USD /mth.
(5) One-time Broadcast subscription at $120 USD /mth.
*As of now, this service is free for the top 30 professional Singapore Footballers who have reached out to us.
** Our Marketing subscription allows you to be a featured Star or Team on our website
*** Our Presentation package will provide you with pictures, videos and writeups about you co-ordinated & done by our team
**** Our Broadcast subscription will promote you once a month through email/facebook/instagram/whatsapp to your target audience
We are always here for you! If you require further assistance, email us at info@mof.com.sg
Actualizing Dreams, Activating Success. Igniting & Marketing Sports Talent… that’s what MOFeye is about!
Dear Singapore, Asia & Global Football & Sports Community,
Are you an amateur footballer or sports person who wants to be recognised and spotted by professional clubs & countries?
STEP ONE: Email us at info@mof.com.sg with the following information and we will respond to you:
Please provide:
An MOF representative will liase with you and brief you on the best way forward to assist you. This will typically involve:
– guiding you where to look to research and learn the opportunities available to you. For a start, please see the Asia Professional Leagues information on our website www.mofeye.com
– organizing you and your fellow country sports men and women in being profiled in regional or international friendly competitions: https://mofeye.com/regional-competitions/
We are always here for you! If you require further assistance, email us at info@mof.com.sg
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